Thursday, October 9, 2014

Five Reasons to Celebrate Lyfe

1.     You exist.
The sole fact alone is a reason to be happy. And not just pretend happy but really fucking thrilled.

You have a life and you’re living it. It’s a luxury denied to many and the fact that you get to experience it, live it and ride the roller coaster as they say, is a reason to pop champagne. Or your booty, or both. Your choice, no judging here.

2.     You’re cute.
Admit it. You’ve looked in the mirror, on occasion, and thought to yourself; damn I look really fucking good today! And it has given you a reason to smile. A reason to be happy that you’re alive and breathing.

Zero in on the little details about yourself that you should really be quite thankful for: i.e, your cute toes (they are far and few between), your thick eyebrows (swoon), your freckles (adorbs), perfectly proportionate nose (rare), voluptuous boobies or lack thereof. In which case you get to prance around braless on the daily which is oh so brag worthy in itself. Whatever it is, OWN IT.

We all deep down know our physical assets that make us feel good about ourselves and for some reason, someone down the road called it arrogance or whatever and now we’re ashamed for being proud of what our momma gave us? I think we should celebrate it. Forever and always.

Now go on and shake it, like a red nose. What?

3.     Dogs.
I’m convinced that dogs were put on this earth to brighten up days. To cheer us up, to remind us to love and to show us that conversations with humans are overrated.

Just kidding, but really. I know I’m not alone in feeling that dogs bring the most insane amount of happiness to not only their owners slash families but even random strangers. My mood can go from hating my day to absolute gratitude from simply petting a four-legged nugget.

Dogs are the bees knees and if you don’t like dogs well, I suggest you change that.

4.     You’re twenty-something.  
“Your 20’s are your selfish years. It’s a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time, and all the aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little and never touch the ground.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Being twenty something means being young, wild and free. It’s a time to be lived, explored and figured out along the way. It’s about fucking up but never giving up. It’s not for sitting around and contemplating why you aren't married and knocked up. It’s not a time to get all emo and hard on yourself about why you’re not twenty-five sittin on twenty-five mil.

Okay, one too many Wiz Khalifa song quotes already, I’ll stop.

5.     Sunsets.
So sunsets are everything dot com. This is fact, which explains why every single human I know, from the age of nine to ninety-nine have most definitely taken, posted, or pridefully shown me from their smart phone a picture of a breathtaking sunset.

Doesn’t matter if you live near the beach, or in the middle of nowhere. They are right there out in the open, ready for you to ooh and awe at its beauty. Sunsets are the most gorgeous free form of awe-inspiring nature art. It’s something we should all have a little more appreciation for.

After all, it’s the little things. Amirite?

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